Our work achieves the greatest proximity when we ourselves identify with the product because it enriches our workflow.
As is the case with NVIDIA's virtualised software solutions, which help us produce our films and bring our ideas to life.
The ideal distribution of hardware graphics capacity across multiple, virtual systems makes working together most efficient. Together with Bureau Hardy Seiler, we have developed two animated films that show designers, architects and engineers how they can multiply their creative potential with the NVIDIA Grid VCA and NVIDIA vGPU products.
The two How It Works videos are playful, fast-paced metaphors of this special technology. The illustrations by Bureau Hardy Seiler, the sound and the movements combine the technology of the products with human emotions.
We are especially pleased when our films open up access to things, ideas, products or technologies that we ourselves are convinced of.
➔ NVIDIA ➔ Animations for product explanation ➔ Published 2015
➔ Agency: Bureau Hardy Seiler ➔ Production & Direction: Nord Nord, Bureau Hardy Seiler ➔ Graphic Design: Bureau Hardy Seiler